
Pay Equity auditEnsure fair and transparent compensation practices

Trusted by European brands
Conduct thorough pay equity analysis to identify and address compensation disparities and create remediation plans. Our tool helps ensure fair, competitive, and compliant pay structures across your organization.
Comprehensive Pay Audits
Perform detailed pay audits by analyzing compensation data across various demographics, highlighting pay disparities and inequities within the organization.
Statistical Analysis
Utilize statistical methods to compare compensation among similarly situated employee groups. Adjust for factors such as role, experience, and education to identify true pay inequities.
Regulatory Compliance
Stay compliant with local and international pay equity regulations. Our system provides updates and ensures adherence to legal standards, helping to avoid potential legal issues.
Customizable Reporting
Generate detailed and customizable pay equity reports. Visualize data with intuitive dashboards, making it easy to communicate findings and action plans to stakeholders.

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+600 forward-thinking companies choose Sysarb
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What our customers are saying

Don't take our word for it, see what our customers are saying.

”At Polestar, we believe in equal pay for equal work and with Sysarb we can easily visualize and analyze the outcome from our pay equity analysis constantly improve our proccesses and work.”
Magnus Larsson
Head of Compensation & Benefits, Polestar
”For us, it is obvious to give all Avalanchers the conditions to perform at their peak while making them feel appreciated and included. In Sysarb, we have found a reliable and user-friendly tool that helps us ensure fair and equal compensation, while making the salary structure transparent to our managers.”
Cajsa Schüllerqvist
People Process Development Specialist
Related Services
Global Overview
Visualize your global pay equity progress with an interactive world map, directly in the tool.
Compliance Reporting
Simplify and automate compliance reporting, including Gender Pay Gap, CSRD and ESG.
Achieve certification to demonstrate your commitment to fair and equitable pay practices.

Frequently asked questions about Pay Equity audit

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team via our contact page.
What is a Pay Equity Audit?
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Why is a Pay Equity Audit Important?
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What is the Difference Between Gender Pay Gap and Pay Equity?
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How Does a Pay Equity Audit Relate to Job Evaluation?
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How Does Job Architecture Support Pay Equity Audits?
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How Can Technology Aid in Pay Equity Audits?
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